Skill Level:Grades 1‒8 Intervention Range:Beginning Reader to Adult Learner
Deliver results for striving readers of all ages with evidence-based intervention solutions on a web-based platform. Read Live provides complete access to Read Naturally Live, Word Warm-ups Live, One Minute Reader Live, and Read Naturally Live—Español in a simple and effective format. Build fluency, develop phonics skills, and improve vocabulary and comprehension with a structured process featuring nonfiction passages and an engaging scoring system.
Work mostly independently with extensive audio support.
Experience gains quickly and develop confidence as learners.
Take ownership of their success and are accountable for their work.
Build fluency, strengthen comprehension, expand vocabulary with Read Naturally Live.
Develop mastery and automaticity in phonics and decoding with Word Warm-ups Live.
Supplement their development of literacy skills independently with One Minute Reader Live.
Develop the Spanish literacy skills of native Spanish speakers with Read Naturally Live—Español.
Read Live...
Enables easy differentiation for students of all ages and instructional levels.
Delivers extensive reports with actionable data for making instructional decisions.
Includes a motivating scoring system.
Provides built-in progress monitoring without additional testing.
Features interesting informational text for nonfiction reading opportunities.
Students begin with a placement process and are assigned an appropriate level and goal in Read Naturally Live. Students needing additional phonics support can also be assigned specific exercises in Word Warm-ups Live to build mastery and automaticity in phonics and decoding. One Minute Reader Live supplements the development of literacy skills through guided, independent reading. In Read Naturally Live—Español, native Spanish speakers work with Spanish texts to develop Spanish literacy skills.
Read Live subscriptions include complete access to Read Naturally Live, Word Warm-ups Live, One Minute Reader Live, and Read Naturally Live—Español.
Read Naturally Live offers 23 levels of three series. All series have the same basic design with strategic differences.
Sequenced series is the basic series and has 13 levels (1.0 – 8.0) with 24 stories per level.
Phonics series adds phonics lessons and activities to the basic design and has 6 levels (0.8 – 2.7) with 24 stories per level.
Idioms series teaches common American idioms as students work on reading skills. Idioms has 4 levels (3.0 – 4.5) with 12 stories per level.
Word Warm-ups Live provides three levels. Level 1 provides practice in beginning letter sounds and detailed lessons on decoding one-syllable words across 69 exercises in nine sections. Level 2 teaches decoding skills using two-syllable words across 68 exercises in eight sections. Level 3 teaches multi-syllabic words across 48 exercises in seven sections.
One Minute Reader Live provides six levels—early first-grade through middle fifth-grade. Each level includes six books with five nonfiction stories organized around a specific theme.
As a Reading Specialist and Resource Room teacher, I am very satisfied with Read Live. But the most important factor is that my students are very enthusiastic and excited to be on Read Live. They are so motivated to improve their levels and they enjoy the graphics especially the starts and the sounds associated with a correct answer. Reply
Debbie MatzApr 17, 2014
We tried the trial Read Live program and were very pleased. We purchased the program and our tier 2 intervention students are much more motivated using this program than when they were using the paper version. The reports are great for sharing at our RtI meetings too.Thank you! Reply
Janene WeaverApr 17, 2014
Since we have started using the program our fluency scores have increased greatly and we have been able to provide intervention for a greater number of kids. Reply
JeniferApr 17, 2014
Read Live is wonderful. I enjoy listening to the stories that the students read to me. We are all learning so many interesting things about science and social studies. I am a music teacher who was asked to work worth a small group of students needing more help in reading. In desperation, I went to Google and found Read Live. After a free trial period, I convinced my administrators to purchase 30 seats. This has been very user friendly. I called a few times with questions and everyone was always nice and helpful to me. I downloaded some instructions that were also easy to follow. We love the program here. I am trying to convince more educators to use this in their schools. Reply
Angela KopitApr 8, 2014
My students are making amazing progress with Read Live. They are very excited about monitoring their progress and are completely engaged in the stories. Reports are awesome and so easy to interpret. Parents and students can really see progress. It also gives me great data for setting IEP goals. I am your greatest fan. This program makes me feel like I am truly making a difference in my students' lives. Reply
BrendaApr 7, 2014
I am very happy with the results of Read Live so far! My students are very motivated! Reply
BeckyApr 7, 2014
Our students are making progress with reading fluency and comprehension using Read Live. We like the flexibility Read Live gives us. Each student can start at their level and work at their own pace. They also like to make it a competition, and that is motivating for them. Reply
JanetApr 7, 2014
We are so glad that we have this program. It follows the research for best practices in fluency instruction and intervention. Our students have made great gains as evidenced by our progress monitoring data. I don't know what we would have done without it! Reply
Jackie UphoffApr 7, 2014
I have tutored in a reading lab using Read Naturally for twelve years. We are now using Read Naturally Live. We have gone through the upgrades over the years and the program just gets better and better! Not only has it improved test scores but also the interest in reading and pride of the students as they see their improvement. It is a valuable tool for teachers, students, and parents. Reply
KayMar 11, 2014
My school district started using the cassette version in 1998, and we switched to the Software Edition in 2005. Now we are moving to Read Naturally Live, the Cadillac of this successful reading intervention. Read Naturally has increased the reading achievement of thousands of students in our district over the last fifteen years, and we plan to use it for years to come! Reply