5 of 5 (370 reviews | add review)
Accelerate achievement and develop confident learners with the most powerful intervention program for striving readers. Utilizing the proven Read Naturally Strategy on a web-based platform, Read Naturally Live combines an intrinsically motivating system with the best evidence-based practices to deliver results fast. Trusted by educators and loved by students across the country.
Read Naturally Live provides...
Read Naturally Live is an online reading program that accelerates reading achievement by combining the research-proven strategies of teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring. A student works at his or her own pace in an appropriate level of material. Text and audio guide the student through the steps. The student masters a story by reading along with audio and then practicing the story until he or she can read it fluently and with comprehension. The program automatically tracks student progress.
Research basis for the Read Naturally Strategy
Read Naturally Live is a component of Read Live, a subscription program that is licensed per student. Teachers can reassign licenses if students leave the program. Read Live subscriptions include access to all 23 levels of three series. All series have the same basic design with strategic differences.
The teacher assigns the appropriate series and level for each student. The student works through the level in the student program, and the teacher manages the student's progress in the teacher program.
To help you implement Read Live successfully, Read Naturally provides free web resources and tech support.
Learn more about Read Naturally's online resources and tech support
Read Naturally Live is an integrated component of the Read Live platform.
Read Naturally Live is an integrated component of the Read Live platform. All Read Live licenses enable full access to the Read Naturally Live curriculum as well as access to the Word Warm-ups Live curriculum, One Minute Reader Live curriculum, and Read Naturally Live-Español curriculum.
"Read Naturally is an engaging and effective program for students. I am so proud of the growth I have seen after using this program with my middle school students this year. I have previously used the program with elementary students and saw the progress they made. I am proud to say that I have observed the same success, if not even greater growth with middle level students. They are so proud of themselves for the growth they have made in reading during this year. I too am very proud of them and thank Read Naturally for developing a program to support literacy and student success!" Gloria, Reading Interventionist, Gaffney, SC
My students look forward to using this program every day on their IPADS. The stories are interesting for both teachers and students!! Not only are we building fluency but vocabulary for ELL students. Our teachers love this program!
This program gives kids confidence about their reading. It is an individualized program that meets kids at their level and gives kids the practice to meet their goal. It builds fluency first and foremost in addition to building vocabulary and increases comprehension.
I began using Read Live Naturally with two students for RTI purposes this fall. In just two months both of these students, who have struggled with fluency for at least two years, have increased their fluency and accuracy by at least 100 wcpm with an average of 98% accuracy! These students, their parents and I are so excited by their progress and they continue to use the program faithfully to further their growth and maintain their new skills! Their smiles are so huge when they see their progress and confidence is growing by leaps and bounds. This program Rocks!
All of my students who use this program regularly show excellent gains in fluency, accuracy, and comprehension. The reports are extremely helpful in developing new IEP goals for my students.
I had used Read Naturally on CD's for many year in a summer reading intervention program in my district. This is the first time I am using Read Online. The students enjoy viewing their progress. I now have motivated readers who were reluctant readers. I use the program with students grades 1-8 in a resource room. Some of the features that work are: permission to exit one student and enter another in their slot; independent word work, individualized license for an amount of slots needed and ample practice and reinforcement. Also the sales and tech people were great.
It is difficult to find informational text that grabs the attention of students the way the stories in Read Naturally do. I have used Read Naturally since the days of the cassette version, but the computer version is terrific and even better now with the iPad version. I can have so much going on at the same time and it allows me to work with other students in other subject areas while providing interventions and remediations at the same time. It is a terrific program that tracks the data for you if you are using it for ongoing progress monitoring. Wherever I go, whenever people as if I could have only two programs what would they be, Read Naturally is one of them.
Read Live is an excellent program. It is research-based program that integrates technology. The students enjoy the program because it is self-monitored and engaging. The students can see immediate results of success and needed interventions. I highly recommend this product to anyone that is interested in empowering and engaging their students. Every child can experience success on their academic level with the opportunity of advancing to a higher challenge as they progress.
If you view Read Live as an excellent program and highly recommend this product, may I ask why you gave it only a one star? Is there something wrong or that you didn't like? Thank you!
Read Live is an amazing program! I have seen first hand how it has positively impacted our reading scores for general education students, Title 1 students, and our SpEd. students. The fact that they LOVE reading the stories is "icing on the cake"!!! Susie - RAL (Reading Achievement Leader), Kingman, Arizona
Read Naturally is a supplemental reading program that gives the children confidence and reinforces high frequency words and comprehension skills in a highly engaging way.
RLN is a beneficial program for my ELL students and I am excited to to see where it leads this year!
I use Read Naturally Live with my Title 1 Reading students. It is a great program for differentiated instruction. My students love the fact that they get to use technology to improve their reading. It is very user friendly! The program includes everything from phonics, fluency to comprehension. My students have gained great strides in their reading!!
It has been such a fabulous journey thus far to watch my readers become confident, faster readers because of Read Naturally Live! I am a reading specialist and have been teaching reading to Kg-4th grade students for ten years now. Before implementing the Read Naturally Live program, I was just not seeing the gains in fluency and reading accuracy that I'd hoped for despite using a variety of strategies. Since implementing this program, however, I have seen the greatest number of gains in my career. With the new emphasis on speed in most all state-wide assessments for determination of overall success, the daily practice of accuracy, speed and comprehension has shown remarkable results there as well. I wholeheartedly recommend Read Naturally Live as a primary source for students who struggle with fluency, accuracy, and comprehension, especially grades 2-4. Additionally, there are several teachers in my district who have successfully implemented the program as a supplement for their middle school students with IEPs. Because of its built in data collection feature, it really gives a clear picture for parents, administration, and students to monitor progress. I can honestly say Read Naturally Live is an awesome program!
I became acquainted with Read Naturally back when it was just paper, pencil and cassette tapes!! I thought it was great then and even better now that it's computerized. It's so much easier to help more students during the same time, but I wouldn't have more than 6 students at a time per educator.
Great program for ESL/EFL young learners.
Read Live has aided in the increased fluency of at least 85% of my students this year, ranging from 20 to 35 wpm since Sept. That's been a great confidence booster for my students, but that's been just one benefit. The variety and depth of the comprehension questions are so much more advanced and beneficial to my student's comprehension skills. The program gives them great tools to go back and find the answers and they're given incentives for having 100% correct the first time I check them. The open ended questions and summary are great opportunities to reinforce correct writing mechanics and sentence structure. The students get excited telling me about something they've learned in their story......"Mrs. Harlan, did you know that....." So, Read Live benefits the students in so many areas and skills.....fluency, vocabulary..... (synonym/antonym practice is super!), comprehension and composing sentences/summaries. They also love working the crossword puzzles.
I have used Read Naturally for 20 years now and I strongly recommend it. This year I am at a new school and we use the Read Naturally Live Program. At my former site we used the paper version. I have seen students move up two grade levels when the program is implemented at least 3 days a week and monitored closely. The stories are very interesting and I have learned a lot from listening to the students read them. I firmly believe in this program for improving reading fluency.
I sent the message on a Friday late afternoon and received a response on the same day. I was very impressed that the issue was taken care of so quickly. I was able to get this new student ready to begin on Monday. Joel was able to look more into my issue and told me that there was an extra license not being used. I got it!! That worked for me. A new student is beginning today and I wanted to use Read Naturally live. It is so hard to determine this late in the year who will be using the read live program. I cannot alway determine the exact number of licenses would need. I am very pleased. Thank you
Laura Kuker Special Education Teacher MTS Elementary
This program is so amazing that I requested a grant from the Wal Mart Foundation to purchase it for our Special Education students at my school. Our district would not buy it for us. Walmart granted me $1,000 to purchase the program. It not only focuses on fluency, but has comprehension, writing, and vocabulary practice. The students are engaged with the Ipad app for the program and improving their skills. I would recommend it to everyone!
Where did you find this information about the grant. I work for a small charter school and would love to have this for my students.
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