5 of 5 (370 reviews | add review)
Accelerate achievement and develop confident learners with the most powerful intervention program for striving readers. Utilizing the proven Read Naturally Strategy on a web-based platform, Read Naturally Live combines an intrinsically motivating system with the best evidence-based practices to deliver results fast. Trusted by educators and loved by students across the country.
Read Naturally Live provides...
Read Naturally Live is an online reading program that accelerates reading achievement by combining the research-proven strategies of teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring. A student works at his or her own pace in an appropriate level of material. Text and audio guide the student through the steps. The student masters a story by reading along with audio and then practicing the story until he or she can read it fluently and with comprehension. The program automatically tracks student progress.
Research basis for the Read Naturally Strategy
Read Naturally Live is a component of Read Live, a subscription program that is licensed per student. Teachers can reassign licenses if students leave the program. Read Live subscriptions include access to all 23 levels of three series. All series have the same basic design with strategic differences.
The teacher assigns the appropriate series and level for each student. The student works through the level in the student program, and the teacher manages the student's progress in the teacher program.
To help you implement Read Live successfully, Read Naturally provides free web resources and tech support.
Learn more about Read Naturally's online resources and tech support
Read Naturally Live is an integrated component of the Read Live platform.
Read Naturally Live is an integrated component of the Read Live platform. All Read Live licenses enable full access to the Read Naturally Live curriculum as well as access to the Word Warm-ups Live curriculum, One Minute Reader Live curriculum, and Read Naturally Live-Español curriculum.
I can’t recommend this product more highly. I use it with my students who are on red or yellow in DIBELS and the progress they make is incredible. I’m a 2nd grade teacher so the reading levels in my class go from C-R! I love Read Naturally because it can help all the levels without purchasing separate modules. It is so easy to administer that I have a parent volunteer help out. I wish there was a talk to text feature so the students could record their own predictions and retell. I tried that feature in iPads but it was pretty inaccurate in translations of 7 and 8 year old voices.
Get this product! It is so affordable and best of all it works.
Everyone at Read Naturally is always so very helpful and attentive to questions that may come up! The program is crucial to the forward advancement of our struggling learners. Appreciative of all the support we have received from everyone at Read Naturally!!!
My Tier 3 students have huge success with Read Naturally Live. Using this as an intervention with my students, most of them progress out of the Tier 3 program. My students are motivated to read and can't wait to beat their times. I absolutely love how the program is designed to address, phonics, comprehension, vocabulary, and most of all fluency. I will forever support this product as I see excellent results in my classroom!!!!
Read Naturally Live is an excellent tool to help kids work independently on improving their fluency. IT is easy to keep data on all skill areas with the Read Live website. The brief nonfiction articles are interesting and, on occasion, mesh with content being taught in social studies and science. Kids develop even further confidence contributing interesting information they've gleaned with repeated readings of the articles. The vocabulary development sections are well done and fun for the kids to work with! As a teacher who is not particularly "tech savvy", the staff is always at the ready responding promptly via phone or email!
We have used Read Live in our school for the past 4 years with our tier 2 and 3 students. We have seen tremendous growth using the Read Live program. Our students are motivated by the engaging nonfiction stories. The program allows them to improve their fluency, comprehension, vocabulary and phonics (if needed).
Read Naturally Live has been great for multiple students at different instructional levels needing instruction at the same time. With added incentives, students who have been defiant to reading have now taken time to better their reading skills and have seen success with this program!!! Seeing students light up after they see results is amazing for a teacher's heart.
Great product. The students are highly engaged and we have definitely seen tremendous growth in fluency, accuracy and comprehension.
I have found that Read Naturally works with students of different reading levels. I think the writing component is excellent as this is where many students need support.
Read Naturally Live has been a wonderful addition to my tool box for fluency instruction for my struggling Readers needing intervention. I have been using this program for 3 years. My students love the using the program and monitoring their own progress with the Graphs. The report also provide excellent data for parents during meetings and conferences as well as current performance when goal planning. This past summer I provided an introduction to Read Naturally Live for my parents so they could also encourage their student to continue reading over the summer. They were able to log in as parent helpers. The response was great! As I looped with up to grade 6 with the same students that I worked with last year, the students were able to continue right where they left off. Also, being able to print paper copies of the stories is helpful to y students. It gives them access to the text on paper so when they go back into the stories to answer comprehension questions or write a retell, they can highlight the information. This also helps me intervene and give focus lessons where it's needed because I can see the errors.
I learned about Read Naturally way back in 2006 when I was a student teacher in a Special Day Class. At that time my Master Teacher had Read Naturally in paper form with CDs, CD players and headphones. She built in her student's regular practice everyday as a part of their Language Arts/English time. I saw how effective it was and provided immediate feedback to each student at their individual level. Each passage was paired with comprehension strategies. So when I started teaching as a resource specialist a bit later I used the strategies with basic reading passages. Just recently revisited the website when I was working for a private school, used the free trial and we invested in an account. I had such great results with a number of students who were really struggling. I got quite a few students up to their appropriate grade/year level (I was teaching in the UK) or they moved up more than one year level in less than one school year. It also produces data on the reading and comprehension skills of each students, which is great for knowing how to further support the students in intervention. I always recommend this program/programme to teachers and parents!
I've been using using Reed Live Naturally for a few years now as an intervention for struggling readers. I really enjoy seeing my students improve and have successful reading experiences. I also use the Benchmark Assessment to assess all the students in the school 3 times a yea, so I can identify those students need the intervention. You've done a great job. I have taught for 25 years and I'm very impressed with what you've done. Best reading intervention I've ever seen.
I appreciate the ease of using this program for my special needs students. The stories are interesting and engaging.
We have been using ReadLive since January (4 months so far) and have already seen great progress with our most struggling readers. They are engaged to come read with us, and look forward to hearing the "Bing" of correct responses, and see their charts jump up as they meet their goals! Their overall reading levels and comprehension skills have also flourished. I am so impressed with their engagement and progress! I wish there were a French Canadian version for our French Immersion students! The customer service has also been top notch!
This program has dramatically increased the fluency, comprehension and writing abilities of my ELL students. Their MAP scores have risen as much as 15 points in a trimester. It provides great individualization.
I have used Read Naturally as a teacher and as a principal. I have been amazed at how much my students have grown in their fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, and confidence! I love this program and the support the company provides. My questions are always answered quickly and promptly. The site is very user-friendly. The reports provide a lot of data to assist with instruction and planning. Read Naturally is truly one of the best tools I have ever used to assist with reading.
We use Read Live for intervention for fluency and for those with more than adequate fluency needing help comprehending. The students enjoy the stories. I do appreciate the story options and have been more flexible with them this year. The explicit forms and instructions for developing the retell (which I consider a summary) helped clarify the process for both the students and myself. I understand why you removed the minutes on lessons, but that was a useful piece of information. Your assistance when we have had problems has been immediate.
Thank you for your quick response to my question. All was answered.
Read Naturally has been a wonderful intervention tool that has helped build fluency and confidence. It has been amazing to see the students grow and see the pride they have in themselves after even a few short weeks of reading with the program. My students are not just motivated to use Read Live but they're excited to come to our book club and get to read!
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