Intervention Programs

Read Naturally® Live

Component of Read Live

5 of 5 (370 reviews | add review)

  • Fluency
  • Phonics

Additional Support:
  • Vocabulary
  • Spelling
  • Comprehension

Skill Level: Grades 1‒8
Intervention Range: Beginning Reader to Adult Learner

Accelerate achievement and develop confident learners with the most powerful intervention program for striving readers. Utilizing the proven Read Naturally Strategy on a web-based platform, Read Naturally Live combines an intrinsically motivating system with the best evidence-based practices to deliver results fast. Trusted by educators and loved by students across the country.

Read Live A Component of Read Live


  • Build fluency and motivation by reading short, nonfiction passages.
  • Increase reading accuracy and expression with audio support.
  • Strengthen comprehension and vocabulary.
  • Develop automaticity in decoding (Phonics levels).
  • Work independently most of the time.
  • Experience success and an improved attitude toward reading.

Read Naturally Live provides...

  • An interactive reading intervention, often used for RTI or MTSS implementations.
  • Options to easily differentiate the program to meet individual needs.
  • Motivating informational texts for reluctant readers, from beginning readers to adults.
  • Extensive, computer-generated reports on student progress.
  • Opportunities for teachers to work with students one-on-one.
  • Three curriculum series (Sequenced, Phonics, Idioms) with a total of 23 levels.
  • Nonfiction reading opportunities as required by state standards.
  • Spanish translations for stories in early Sequenced levels.

​Read Naturally Live is an online reading program that accelerates reading achievement by combining the research-proven strategies of teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring. A student works at his or her own pace in an appropriate level of material. Text and audio guide the student through the steps. The student masters a story by reading along with audio and then practicing the story until he or she can read it fluently and with comprehension. The program automatically tracks student progress.

pointer Research basis for the Read Naturally Strategy

Read Naturally Live is a research-based, online reading program

Read Naturally Live Steps
  1. Select a Story
    The student clicks on the story he or she wants to read. Choosing the story deepens the student’s investment in the material.
  2. Key Words
    In the Sequenced and Idioms series, the student reads the key words and their definitions while listening to an audio recording. The key words provide definitions that are important to understanding the story. In the Phonics series, the student listens to a phonics lesson and reads words that have the featured phonics patterns.
  3. Prediction
    The student uses the title, picture, and key words to write a prediction of what he or she thinks the story is about. The prediction prepares the student’s mind for reading the story.
  4. Cold Timing
    The teacher may time the student for one minute as he or she reads the story, or the student may complete this step independently. The student clicks unknown words while reading, and then clicks the last word read during the timing. Read Naturally Live subtracts the unknown words from the total number of words attempted to obtain a cold-timing score and displays it on a graph. This step establishes a baseline for progress monitoring, the component of the Read Naturally Strategy that motivates the student to improve.
  5. Read Along
    The student reads along quietly with a recording of the story, typically three times. This step is the teacher-modeling component of the Read Naturally Strategy, which helps the student learn new words and master others as well as learn proper pronunciation, expression, and phrasing.
  6. Practice
    The student practices reading the story without audio support three to ten times until able to read it accurately, with expression, and at the goal rate. This step is the repeated-reading component of the Read Naturally Strategy, which helps the student improve fluency, master difficult words, and understand the story.
  7. Quiz
    The student answers questions about the story. Responding to the text holds the student accountable for meaning, develops the ability to answer many types of questions, and provides teachers with information about how well the student comprehends the story.
  8. Retell/Word List
    In the Sequenced and Idioms series, the student retells or summarizes the story to improve comprehension. 
    In the Phonics series, the student works on decoding skills by practicing the word list until able to read it accurately at a predetermined rate. The Phonic series also includes a spelling step to give students practice encoding words from the word list.
  9. Pass
    The student reads the story for the teacher to show that he or she can read it at the goal rate, with appropriate expression, and with three or fewer errors. The teacher corrects the comprehension questions and the retelling of the story (if applicable) and reviews the results with the student. 

    In the Phonics series, the student also reads the word list to show that he or she can read it with three or fewer errors at the goal rate. ​A graph shows how much the student’s fluency has improved since the cold timing.

    ​ Additional graphs show results for the comprehension questions, the retelling, and the word lists (if applicable).

Read Naturally Live is a component of Read Live, a subscription program that is licensed per student. Teachers can reassign licenses if students leave the program. Read Live subscriptions include access to all 23 levels of three series. All series have the same basic design with strategic differences.

  • Sequenced series is the basic series and has 13 levels (1.0 – 8.0) with 24 stories per level.
  • Phonics series adds phonics lessons and activities to the basic design and has 6 levels (0.8 – 2.7) with 24 stories per level.
    pointer Phonics elements taught in the Phonics series
  • Idioms series teaches common American idioms as students work on reading skills.  Idioms has 4 levels (3.0 – 4.5) with 12 stories per level.
    pointer Featured idioms

The teacher assigns the appropriate series and level for each student. The student works through the level in the student program, and the teacher manages the student's progress in the teacher program.


Read Naturally Live Story

High-interest, leveled, nonfiction stories include:
  • Key words, clickable vocabulary words, and comprehension activities.
  • Spanish translation of each story in Sequenced levels 1.0 – 5.6.
Extensive audio support includes:
  • Audio directions for each step of the process.
  • Three appropriately paced recordings that model correct pronunciation and expression.
  • Pronunciation of words in stories when clicked.
  • Audio definitions of key words, or, in the Phonics series, an audio phonics lesson.
  • Clickable vocabulary words with audio-supported, student-friendly definitions.
  • Spanish translation of each story in Sequenced levels 1.0 – 5.6.
  • Auditory signals that indicate if a student's responses to multiple choice items are correct or incorrect.
Structured instructional process includes:
  • Automated steps built around teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring.
  • A wait-time vocabulary-building activity.
Computerized scoring and extensive reports include:
  • Automated correction of multiple-choice questions.
  • Calculation of fluency, phonics, and comprehension scores.
  • Graphs and reports showing student performance.


Read Live Graph

Set up of account for district, building, classroom, staff, and/or students include:
  • Enrolling staff and students.
  • Licensing students.
  • Support for single sign-on tools from ClassLink and Google Classroom.
Management of student programs includes:
  • Placement of each student in a level and series with an appropriate reading-rate goal.
  • Easily customized options for individual students and extensive student reports.
  • Printable stories, reports, parent letters, awards, and completion certificates.
Online documentation includes:
  • Step-by-step instructions for working in the software and "how to" section on setting up Read Naturally Live.
  • A lesson plan for introducing the program to students.
  • Training videos that explain how to set up the software and work with students in the program.


To help you implement Read Live successfully, Read Naturally provides free web resources and tech support.
pointer Learn more about Read Naturally's online resources and tech support

Read Naturally Live is an integrated component of the Read Live platform.

  • Students At-a-Glance Report
    This report includes a student-by-student summary of results for Read Naturally Live stories passed. This report is used to quickly identify students who may not be making adequate progress in fluency and comprehension and therefore may require adjustments in their programs or additional instruction.
  • Student Level Summary Report
    This is a table summarizing results for each story a student has passed at a given Read Naturally Live level, including cold- and hot-timing results, number of practices, quiz results, and more.
  • Student Fluency Graph
    This bar chart displays a student's cold- and hot-timing scores for all stories passed in a specified series and level.
  • Student Comprehension Graph
    This graph shows the quiz questions a student answered correctly on the first try for each story in a specified level. Quiz results are reported by question type and story.
  • Student Retell Graph
    This graph shows the number of words a student used to retell each completed story on the first try and whether or not the student met the teacher's expectations on the first try.
  • Word List Graph
    This graph shows how long it took a student to read the word list on the most recent attempt for each story the student completed in a specified level.
  • Story Details Report
    This report provides a student's detailed results for a specific Read Naturally Live story.​
  • Student Placement Results
    This report shows the results of a student’s placement test conducted using the Read Naturally Live placement program—the test results, recommendations, and decision.

Read Naturally Live is an integrated component of the Read Live platform. All Read Live licenses enable full access to the Read Naturally Live curriculum as well as access to the Word Warm-ups Live curriculum, One Minute Reader Live curriculum, and Read Naturally Live-Español curriculum.

Customer Reviews

Feb 26, 2024


"Read Naturally "is an amazing program for kids, as they can improve their reading skill.
The program help them to learn even heard words they were struggling before.


Feb 18, 2024


The program has been so helpful with my students. I cannot recommend enough.


Feb 16, 2024


I have used Read Naturally in four different settings, and have had great student response. I am currently using it with Special Education high school students who are mostly reading at an elementary level. They find the stories to be high interest, and it often sparks discussions with the aides or others in the class when they share the content they have learned. I have my aides working directly with students, too, observing the cold timing and working on the pass activities, so students are able to advance at their own pace without much down time.

Students also love seeing their improvement from cold reading to hot reading, and work to improve their answers on the comprehension questions. If they get a comprehension question wrong after two tries, I work with them directly to show them how to figure out the correct answer. I love the data collection piece of Read Naturally. I am able to share the results with parents and the IEP team, so we know exactly which areas we need to work on. Some of the parents have requested copies of the stories, too, so they can see exactly what their child is learning and how they are answering.

Read Naturally Feb 27, 2024
Thank you so much, Kelly! We love hearing that you're working with your students on comprehension! If you haven't already, be sure to check out the new Comprehension Builder resource in the Read Naturally Live teacher's module.

Feb 14, 2024

My intervention students love Read Naturally. They enjoy reading engaging stories at their level. I love that there are so many different selections at various reading levels. Read Naturally reviews and challenges students to build fluency, phonics, and even keyboarding. I like that while I am working one on one with a student that there is a synonym and antonym section which is great for vocabulary. The kids LOVE to see their bars move up on the graph from their cold to hot reads. I have seen so much improvement and confidence in my student's reading ability in just 5 months. I would recommend Read Naturally to anyone looking for an excellent reading intervention.

Feb 14, 2024

Fantastic program. I cannot say enough good things about Read Naturally. I love the immediate feedback students get to see when they are working on fluency. I love the confidence I see blooming in students when they see how much they have improved in just a short time. I am in a title I school and this is the perfect program to help struggling readers. My students look forward to beating their cold times. Interesting stories, vocabulary development, phonemic awareness, comprehension, reading expression - Read Naturally does it right!!

Feb 14, 2024


I am a special education teacher in an elementary school. I have found the program to be extremely helpful in improving my student's fluency. I love how easy it is to implement and how the program has added features and tutorials for me and the students. My students especially love One Minute Reader because it gives them autonomy. The reports are easy to access and I share the results with the students so they can see their progress. I really think this program is essential for building fluency and comprehension!


Feb 13, 2024


We love Read LIVE-Read Naturally. We sit with the student while they are reading and they try hard to beat their cold-timing score. Also, both of us (teacher/paraeducator and the student) usually learn something about the subject the students choose to read about, whether it be about a famous person, an animal, or a historical event. Read LIVE has helped my Special Education Resource students learn and it also helps to increase their fluency, reading expression, keyboarding, and their comprehension. We would not be without the Read LIVE program. The kids love the program and use it on their Chromebooks! We love the reports that show their progress. Thank you for helping my students improve and grow!


Feb 13, 2024


I have been using Read Live for the past 3 years as a part-time reading instructor for grades K-5. I could not begin to tell you of all the successes my students have achieved by using this program. It not only has improved their fluency and phonetical awareness, but they are truly comprehending the passages! It has given them the confidence they needed to challenge themselves to read materials that they would have never considered before. Thank you for this truly amazing program!


Feb 13, 2024

I recently started using Read Live. It has significantly provided growth towards my students fluency and phonelogical goals! This is a program my students love to use that also gives teacher feedback, on student progress, that guides my continued teaching!

Feb 13, 2024


I have used Read Naturally Live for several years and I really like the program. I am a Title 1 Teacher and I use it with my students in grades 3-5. I have seen improvement in fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. The students are becoming more confident in their reading skills. They enjoy looking at the graph as their reading scores increase. The students can work at their own level and at their own pace, so the program is good for intervention groups.


Feb 13, 2024


Our school has been using Read Naturally Live since 2022. Previously we used the paper version for over 20 years. Teachers and students love this program. The live version has greatly enhanced out ability to serve more students across multiple grade levels, while effortlessly tracking thier progress. As a teacher implementing a new intervention program, Read Naturally Live has been a perfect fit for addressing the needs of our students. We've already had several students achieve grade level fluency and "graduate" the program!


Feb 13, 2024

I have been using Read Naturally Live for over 7 years now. I teacher middle school special education and am also a MTSS teacher. I really love the ease of the program as well as how it individualized for my students. I like that students are able to track their growth. I love the growth the students have made.

Feb 13, 2024


I am using ReadLive as an intervention for third through fifth graders. It's a wonderful program for increasing fluency. The sequenced series is especially great if the students have mastered their phonics skills.

My students have been making really great growth on this program. They also enjoy it and are invested in meeting and beating their goals.

Read Naturally Feb 27, 2024
Thanks so much, Jessica! For students who haven't yet mastered phonics skills, be sure to check out Word Warm-ups Live! All students with a Read Live license have access to this program.

Feb 13, 2024


I am a reading teacher who currently works with middle school students. Read Live offers stories that are interesting and contain sophisticated vocabulary. It can be overwhelming to preteens and teens to struggle with reading materials and also to practice weak skills with connected text that is babyish. Read Live presents topics that are current, historical and relatable. My students look forward to selecting stories that are of interest to them that do not talk down to where they are as learners. The program is designed with the goal of success for each and every student that interacts with its content. My students feel comfortable and confident in working with this amazing program to improve their reading skills.


Feb 13, 2024


As a teacher in a 6-8th grade special education class, I've witnessed remarkable progress in my students' reading abilities through the implementation of Read Live. This comprehensive program is designed to cater to the diverse needs of learners, focusing on fluency, comprehension, writing summaries, and phonemic awareness, particularly beneficial for students in lower grades. One of the standout features of Read Live is its ability to differentiate reading lessons, ensuring that each student receives instruction tailored to their individual strengths and areas for improvement. This level of customization is invaluable in a special education setting, where students often require personalized approaches to learning. I've observed significant growth in many of my students, but one particular success story stands out. One student, who initially began at a 1.3 reading level, has made astounding progress, now reading at a 3.5 level after just one year of using Read Live. This remarkable improvement not only speaks to the effectiveness of the program but also underscores its ability to empower students to reach their full potential. Beyond improving reading levels, Read Live fosters essential skills such as comprehension and writing summaries, equipping students with the tools they need to succeed academically. The program's structured approach, coupled with engaging activities, keeps students motivated and eager to participate in their learning journey. Moreover, the phonemic awareness component of Read Live addresses foundational skills crucial for reading development, laying a solid groundwork for future literacy achievements. By targeting these fundamental aspects of reading, the program sets students up for success not only in the classroom but also in their academic pursuits beyond. Read Live has proven to be an invaluable resource in my special education classroom, facilitating remarkable growth in reading abilities among students. Its emphasis on differentiation, coupled with its comprehensive approach to literacy development, makes it an indispensable tool for educators striving to meet the diverse needs of their students. With continued implementation, I am confident that Read Live will continue to empower students and foster a lifelong love of reading.

Read Naturally Feb 27, 2024
Thanks so much for your review and for telling us about the progress of your student. Please consider nominating the student for our Star of the Month program!

Feb 13, 2024


I have been using Read Naturally Live for more the than 5 years as a teacher. I teach 4th and 5th grade ELAR Resource and this a site we use daily for 20 minutes. My student's fluency has improved. They are doing better with comprehension question and finding text evidence. They enjoying using it and they also see their progress. I print out certificate after they complete their stories and they hang it up it in the classroom. I also print out the reports for each story and share it with the students. I appreciate read naturally live program it has helped my students so much in their individual needs. I highly recommend this site.


Feb 13, 2024


As a K-5 Title Teacher, I love watching the progress my students are making with Read Naturally Live. Students access the program through their Chrome books and can work at their own pace. The interface is clear, and students can monitor and be proud of the progress they are making as they work through their self-selected stories. This is a super way to get in more non-fiction reading and wonderful for my most reluctant readers.


Feb 13, 2024


I am using Read Live, Word Warm Ups, One Minute Reader and also Signs for Sounds as an Elementary Reading Specialist (K-5). I work with students who struggle with reading in the general ed. population, as well as students diagnosed with dyslexia or students who have individual education plans due to specific learning disabilities. The students love to have the ability to choose and practice stories and watch their progress. They are so excited to demonstrate their fluent reading when they read to me to pass a story. I love that I can easily individualize practice for the students and have access to data at my fingertips to monitor progress. Word Warm Ups and Signs for Sounds are a great supplement to our district Structured Literacy approach for our struggling readers. Word Warm Ups again allows me to individualize student progress in phonetic skills and the students love the practice and ability to see their growth. I especially love how Signs for Sounds helps my students to segment sounds when spelling and differentiates between regular (Sound Out Words) and Irregular (Spell Out Words). The smile on my students' faces when I tell them we are going to be working in any one of these programs that day, says it all.


Feb 13, 2024


I have been teaching Read Naturally Live for several years now for my (2-6th grade) general education students who have IEPs. They have not only progressed on their reading fluency, but I love that it supports their decoding, comprehension, vocabulary, and retelling (in writing) goals.The students love learning about the many topics and they love feeling successful! I love that they get immediate feedback with fluency and the comprehension. This reading program has been very successful for my students!


Feb 13, 2024


I am reading specialist at an Elementary School. We have had the paper version of Read Live but I found it clunky and difficult to manage. I convinced my Principal to purchase the online version last school and piloted it for our district. The reading scores increased substantially. It was so exciting to see. I shared the results with our Curriculum Director and she was just as excited. As a result she purchased the program for our entire district. Thank you!


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