Read Live Online Courses

Welcome to Read Naturally Online Courses for Teachers

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Read Naturally’s Online Courses for Teachers are interactive, self-paced professional development courses for educators. Designed for individual or group use, our Online Courses connect course materials to real-world practice in Read Naturally programs. 

How you can use Online Courses:
Teachers use Online Courses to learn independently through a self-paced format that helps you improve your classroom practice, advance your professional development, and earn continuing education credit.

Online Courses provide easy and free learning opportunities, delivered through online learning modules designed to: 

  • Introduce you to concepts designed by Read Naturally program developers.
  • Engage you in a blend of media-rich learning activities.
  • Let you access additional reading materials to expand your knowledge.
  • Allow you to revisit content and video as often as you like.
  • Assess your understanding of the content through interactive checks for acquired skills and knowledge.

Courses Reviews

Read Naturally Live Online Course Apr 30, 2018

Lindsey Matruder
This course was very interesting. I enjoyed learning about an online option for monitoring my students.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Apr 18, 2018

Pamela Federico
Very informative

Read Naturally Live Online Course Apr 18, 2018

Ioannis Vasilaros
I enjoyed doing this training, I think the material is appropriately placed to guide the new users to learn how they can adjust things so they can meet students' needs.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Apr 17, 2018

patricia Fulhorst

Read Naturally Live Online Course Apr 17, 2018

Melissa Posas
The Read Live Course was very informative and interesting. The online course has prepared me to help our students become successful in completing this course. I am looking forward to implementing this program for our students here at Fulton school.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Apr 16, 2018

Melissa Harris
ok, lots of information

Read Naturally Live Online Course Apr 16, 2018

Tara Kornaros
very thorough

Read Naturally Live Online Course Apr 16, 2018

Nicole Poor
Great! I'm excited to use this program.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Apr 16, 2018

Steven McDonald
Very thorough, easy to understand training. Excellent examples.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Apr 16, 2018

Jennifer Bishop
I liked how you could practice each step. In the program, I like how teachers can customize the learning for each student.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Apr 13, 2018

Hally Swift
very informative

Read Naturally Live Online Course Apr 2, 2018

Elaine Mendelson
This was very thorough and informative. I am ready to use the program with fidelity!

Read Naturally Live Online Course Apr 2, 2018

deborah Soles

Read Naturally Live Online Course Mar 30, 2018

Peggy Haus
The course did a good job explaining how to use Read Naturally and gave options for remediation. I would have liked some more practice questions to determine when to raise goals or grade levels for older students.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Mar 29, 2018

jodi frank-agriesti
Very easy to understand!

Read Naturally Live Online Course Mar 29, 2018

Gina Bottini
This course was really helpful!

Read Naturally Live Online Course Mar 21, 2018

Tracey Marini
Great short videos for explanations and practice opportunities to evaluate and make decisions based on student detail.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Mar 20, 2018

John Underhill
I enjoyed the options of downloading documents, along with the videos and comprehension questions at the end of each lesson.
I'm excited to try the program with a student whom I recently placed.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Mar 17, 2018

MaryAnn Wilson
This was a good way to learn about using Read Naturally Live. The handouts and videos were clear and easy to follow.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Mar 13, 2018

Nicky Gerome
Having a handbook with guidelines would be as easy to follow as the video.

Courses Reviews


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