Read Live Online Courses

Welcome to Read Naturally Online Courses for Teachers

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Read Naturally’s Online Courses for Teachers are interactive, self-paced professional development courses for educators. Designed for individual or group use, our Online Courses connect course materials to real-world practice in Read Naturally programs. 

How you can use Online Courses:
Teachers use Online Courses to learn independently through a self-paced format that helps you improve your classroom practice, advance your professional development, and earn continuing education credit.

Online Courses provide easy and free learning opportunities, delivered through online learning modules designed to: 

  • Introduce you to concepts designed by Read Naturally program developers.
  • Engage you in a blend of media-rich learning activities.
  • Let you access additional reading materials to expand your knowledge.
  • Allow you to revisit content and video as often as you like.
  • Assess your understanding of the content through interactive checks for acquired skills and knowledge.

Courses Reviews

Read Naturally Live Online Course Aug 31, 2017

Krisha Benavides
I especially like the webinars and the student examples.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Aug 31, 2017

Darnell Jordan
Wonderful training course to improve student reading performance.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Aug 30, 2017

Laurel Wallace
Great. Very informative.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Aug 28, 2017

Isaac Villa
I am unsure if there is an option to have the training course completed by one of your staff members. Having an individual training with schools should be an option so we can troubleshoot or discuss ways to implement the program to fit the schools needs.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Aug 26, 2017

Mary McEntire
Good info. Very clear

Read Naturally Live Online Course Aug 25, 2017

Laura Harper
I printed out all the necessary handouts and you need a magnifying glass to read them on your own. I followed along on line but they will be difficult to use independently since they are so small! other thatn that, I learned alot for, the webinars.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Aug 22, 2017

Shannon Owensby
I am new to Read Naturally. This course was very helpful to me. I am not an expert by any means but I do feel more knowledgeable about what I am going to be doing with our kiddo's. I so appreciate all the information that I was able to download to use as reference.
Thanks so much, Shannon Owensby

Read Naturally Live Online Course Aug 21, 2017

Carol Parrell
outstanding-lots of resources-thanks

Read Naturally Live Online Course Aug 14, 2017

Jenny Rundle
Excellent, comprehensive

Read Naturally Live Online Course Aug 14, 2017

Emily Boynton
great and easy to use

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jul 28, 2017

Jolene Molina
Thorough and extremely helpful.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jul 16, 2017

Melissa Mager
Very informative!

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jul 11, 2017

Elizabeth Riccio
Thorough and well sequenced course with many helpful links and PDFs

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jul 10, 2017

Sheri Harari
I really enjoyed the webinar and the detailed videos that help provide me with a clear understanding of the program. I am looking forward to my students' success with Read Naturally.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jul 5, 2017

Randi Wilson
The videos were helpful.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Jun 28, 2017

Deborah Price
This was incredibly helpful...both reading things and watching videos. I appreciate being able to download and print pdfs as well. Thank you. It is so nice to have this available for free. This enabled us as a small, private Christian school to use this free training to train our para-professional staff to assist in implementing this program. I also am tasked with training our parents who will be assisting their children to complete some sessions at home. I plan to show a few of the videos to them. Again, thank you.

Read Naturally Live Online Course May 23, 2017

Donna Giacoletti
It covers all the areas and has good examples. I only hope we can go back and review if necessary.

Read Naturally Live Online Course May 22, 2017

Alice Strain
The course is very user-friendly and full of needful information. This was a terrific refresher for a teacher who has been using the product (but not with fidelity always). I appreciated the explanation of the correct answers. Very helpful.

Read Naturally Live Online Course May 22, 2017

Susie Hughes
Quite thorough and informative. Videos really help when learning a new program like this.

Read Naturally Live Online Course May 22, 2017

Debbie McHugh
The information was very helpful. Thanks!

Courses Reviews


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