Read Live Online Courses

Welcome to Read Naturally Online Courses for Teachers

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Read Naturally’s Online Courses for Teachers are interactive, self-paced professional development courses for educators. Designed for individual or group use, our Online Courses connect course materials to real-world practice in Read Naturally programs. 

How you can use Online Courses:
Teachers use Online Courses to learn independently through a self-paced format that helps you improve your classroom practice, advance your professional development, and earn continuing education credit.

Online Courses provide easy and free learning opportunities, delivered through online learning modules designed to: 

  • Introduce you to concepts designed by Read Naturally program developers.
  • Engage you in a blend of media-rich learning activities.
  • Let you access additional reading materials to expand your knowledge.
  • Allow you to revisit content and video as often as you like.
  • Assess your understanding of the content through interactive checks for acquired skills and knowledge.

Courses Reviews

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 21, 2017

Carla Hill
It would have been extremely helpful to have the downloads, mainly the powerpoints) in advance instead of at the beginning of each video. I would watch a 3-4 minute clip and have to go to the printer, with my laptop in hand, and print off the next download before watching the next video clip.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 20, 2017

Robin Youngquist
This was very helpful. I was able to take notes as I went along with the tutorial and stop and go back to cement some information. It will be useful to have the workbook at hand, as well. The questions really did make me think about the information I had listened to and processed.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 20, 2017

Katy Monahan
Very informative, clear examples for use and troubleshooting

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 10, 2017

Madgie Abson
Great course training for teachers

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 10, 2017

Melanie Hatfield
This was great. Very informative.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 10, 2017

Jennie Carns
This course was very well organized and provided me with helpful resources. I especially liked the ability to download each handout as the information was presented.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 8, 2017

Jessica Joyner
This was useful.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 6, 2017

Mary Lee
Nicely done. Thank you!

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 2, 2017

tracy weisbrod

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 2, 2017

Nicole Moore
Very helpful and easy to follow.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 1, 2017

Kimberlee Deacon
The information was very helpful and the videos that went along with the tutorials provided a lot of guidance that I will be able to use immediately.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 1, 2017

Carole Frey
very informative. Great examples!!

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 1, 2017

Susie Lyons
This was very informative.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 1, 2017

Sarah Sauvigne
It was informative

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 1, 2017

Stefani Poedubicky
Thank you!

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 1, 2017

Christina Lee
Very informative.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 1, 2017

Lauren LeClair
Great course

Read Naturally Live Online Course Nov 1, 2017

Martha Levenson
The course really helped me to understand how to effectively use the materials, and provide options for students who are struggling with various portions of the work.

Read Naturally Live Online Course Oct 30, 2017

This was very helpful!

Read Naturally Live Online Course Oct 30, 2017

JoAnn Martin
This course is necessary before using Read Naturally.

Courses Reviews


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