Read Live Help

The Read Live Help page is designed to help Read Live users be successful. The main section includes how-to videos that guide you through important steps for setting up Read Live and working with students in Read Naturally Live, Word Warm-ups Live, One Minute Reader Live, and Read Naturally Live—Español. Additional resources, job aids, webinar recordings, and other training options can also be found here.

Orientation to Read Live

This short video provides a quick introduction to working in Read Live. It shows how to log in, find your assigned role, navigate to key pages, filter lists to show just the students you want to work with, select students from a list, and how to access Help.

Setting Up Read Live

Setting Up Read Live

This video demonstrates how an account administrator logs in to Read Live the first time, adds and reserves licenses for schools, adds staff members, imports student data, and assigns licenses and lead teachers to students.

Importing Student Data into a New Account

This video explains how an account administrator or school coordinator can schedule an import of student data into a new Read Live account. In the demonstration, student data that was exported from a student management system into a CSV file is uploaded to Read Live, and the import is scheduled to run over night. An email notifies the person who scheduled the import when it has completed.

Updating Student Data with the Import Feature

This video explains how account administrators and school coordinators can update student data at the beginning of a school year by exporting data from a student management system and then scheduling an import to update the data in an existing Read Live account.

Assigning Licenses to Schools and Students

This video explains the two steps to licensing students in Read Live. It demonstrates how Account Administrators reserve licenses for schools, and then how staff members assign licenses and lead teachers to students.

Setting Up and Licensing Students

This video explains how account administrators, school coordinators, or teachers can enroll students in Read Live, assign them licenses, and make students inactive. It also shows how Account Administrators and School Coordinators can delete students.

Setting Up My Groups

This video explains how to use the My Groups feature to work efficiently with groups of students. A group could be a class, reading group, or any other group of students you want to manage together. For example, you could change story options for all students in a group at one time or generate reports for the group as a whole.

Working with Students in Read Naturally Live

Conducting a Timed Reading

This video demonstrates how teachers or assistants conduct timed readings in Read Naturally Live for placement, cold timings, or hot timings.  The video covers the mechanics of starting a timing, identifying errors, ending a timing, and rating expression.  The video also offers an opportunity to practice identifying errors as a student reads.

Placing Students Without Phonics Needs

This video explains how to place a student in Read Naturally Live with an appropriate series, level, and goal when the student needs to improve reading fluency but does not need phonics instruction.

Placing Students with Phonics Needs

This video explains how to determine an appropriate Read Naturally Live Phonics level and goal rate for a student with phonics needs. Word Warm-ups Live can also meet phonics needs.

Working Through a Story in Read Naturally Live

This video explains the steps a student follows in Read Naturally Live. After selecting a story, the student works through these steps: Key Words, Prediction, Cold Timing, Wordtastic (a wait-time activity), Read Along (teacher modeling), Practice (repeated reading), Quiz, Retell, and a Pass step with a review of the student's results.

Special Features of Phonics Stories

This video shows how the steps of the Phonics Series stories are different from the steps of the Sequenced Series stories in Read Naturally Live. The video also demonstrates how a student completes a step that is unique to the Phonics Series—the Word List.

Options for Students Who Do Not Pass a Story

If a student does not meet all of the criteria for passing a story in Read Naturally Live, the software presents a number of options the teacher may choose for that student. This video explores what steps to take when a student does not pass.

Setting Story Options

Many of the steps in Read Naturally Live can be customized to fit the needs of individual students. This video demonstrates how you can turn off steps, allow independent cold readings, adjust the number of read alongs, and change the duration of practices and hot timings.

Monitoring Student Performance

This video explains how to monitor students' performance and make adjustments to their programs to ensure that they are continually challenged. Tools for monitoring performance include graphs of fluency, comprehension, and retell results, and reports that show students' progress and problem areas.

Distance Learning Features (Part 1)

This video demonstrates a waiting list of students who need a teacher's help to continue working, a Login As tool that allows a teacher to login as the student to conduct a timing, and Team feature that lets any Lead Teacher share access to students on the Waiting List with a Team of other Teachers and Read Live Assistants.

Distance Learning Features (Part 2)

This video demonstrates a recording feature that allows students to save their readings during the Pass step, enabling the teacher to score the hot timings later.

Working with Students in Word Warm-ups Live

Assessing Phonics Needs

This video explains how to conduct a Word Warm-ups Live phonics assessment to identify a student's earliest phonics needs. This helps you determine whether Word Warm-ups Live or the Read Naturally Live Phonics series is best suited for a student and where to place a student who is assigned Word Warm-ups Live.

Determining a Phonics Intervention

This video explains how to interpret the results of the Word Warm-ups Live phonics assessment and Read Naturally Live placement test to determine which Read Live intervention(s) are appropriate for a student—Read Naturally Live, Word Warm-ups Live, or both.

Working Through a Word-List Exercise

This video explains the steps a student follows when working through a word-list exercise in Word Warm-ups Live, including Look, Listen, and Respond (a phonics lesson); word-list practice; a spelling activity; Phontastic (a wait-time activity); and a pass step with a review of the student's work.

Working Through a Story Exercise

This video explains the steps for working through a story exercise in Word Warm-ups Live, where a student reads words with the featured phonics patterns in connected text. The student follows these steps: Read Along, Practice, Quick Quiz, Phontastic (a wait-time activity), and a Pass and Review step.

Working with Students in One Minute Reader Live

Working Through a Story in One Minute Reader Live

This video demonstrates the steps of One Minute Reader Live, an independent reading program that builds fluency and supports vocabulary and comprehension.  The video covers logging in, placement, selecting a story to work on, working through the guided steps, and viewing the results.


Please let us know what questions you have so we can assist. For Technical Support, please call us or submit a software support request.

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