Intervention Programs

Word Warm-ups® Live

Component of Read Live

5 of 5 (369 reviews | add review)

  • Phonics

Additional Support:
  • Fluency
  • Spelling
  • Phonemic

Skill Level: Grades 1‒5
Intervention Range: Beginning Reader to Adult Learner

Build mastery and automaticity in phonics, decoding, and word analysis with systematic phonics instruction and multiple opportunities for students to decode and encode words easily within Word Warm-ups Live. Audio-supported phonics and word analysis lessons allow for individualization and enable students to work independently. Students progress through three sequential levels, from reading consonant-vowel-consonant words like bat, to multi-syllabic words like precautionary.

Read Live A Component of Read Live


  • Improve word recognition.
  • Learn to use word patterns to decode rapidly.
  • Read words with the featured patterns in connected text.
  • Decode increasingly difficult phonetically regular words.
  • Reinforce featured phonics skills by spelling phonetically regular words.

Word Warm-ups Live provides...

  • Differentiation for students who need additional phonics instruction.
  • Motivation through graphing progress.
  • Practice and systematic review to solidify learning.
  • Instruction in the most common phonics, syllable, and affix patterns.
  • An assessment to place students in the appropriate level and lesson.

Word Warm-ups Live develops accuracy and automaticity in decoding through a modified version of the powerful Read Naturally Strategy of teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring. Students work on short audio-supported phonics exercises for as little as 10 minutes a day as reading warm-ups or up to 30 minutes a day as an intervention.


The student clicks on a picture and hears a lesson about the word or letter under the picture. This instructional step provides teacher modeling. There are multiple sections in each level, each section focusing on intervention of different elements:

Level 1: One-syllable words Level 2: Two-syllable words   Level 3: Multi-syllabic words
Letter sounds
Short vowels
Long vowels with silent e
Long vowel teams
Consonant digraphs
Consonant blends
Vowels and the consonant r
Soft and silent consonants
Other vowel teams
Review Level 1 skills in compound words
Review Level 1 skills in more compound words
Base words not changed by suffixes
Base words changed by suffixes
Words with two syllables
Closed and open syllables
Two-syllable words with suffixes
Two-syllable words with prefixes

Word parts: prefixes
Other word parts
Word parts: suffixes
More prefixes
More suffixes
Open and closed syllables

Select an Exercise

The student chooses an exercise to work in. Each section has six to nine exercises.  Most exercises are word-list exercises, but each section has a story exercise.


If a student selects any exercise other than the story exercise, the student will see the following steps:

Look, Listen, and Respond

The student clicks a picture to hear a lesson about a featured sound, syllable, or affix. The student responds to the instruction by segmenting the featured word before reading it aloud. Then, the student clicks each of the five words to segment and reads each word with the narrator. This step helps the student learn the featured sounds or phonics patterns and provides teacher modeling.

Decode & Read Along

The Decode & Read Along step helps a student learn to decode an exercise's word list by reading the list twice. When the student chooses Start Read Along on this page, the application:

  • first reads down the columns in the word list, playing a decoding animation with audio for each word; and
  • then reads across the rows of the word list, pronouncing each word.
Word List

Before a timing, a student can click any word to see it divided into word parts and hear each word part, as well as the whole word. Then, the student reads the words in the exercise word list, down the columns and across the rows, clicking any word he or she doesn’t know to hear the word read. The student clicks finished and sees the number of words read per minute.

The student practices reading the word lists independently until he or she can read all of the words correctly. As the student practices many words with the featured pattern, he or she learns to decode the pattern more easily and to read the words with automaticity.

This step is the repeated reading component of the Read Naturally Strategy, which helps the student apply the featured sounds, phonics patterns, or language structure to master the words. This step also allows a student to monitor progress, the component of the Read Naturally Strategy that motivates the student to improve. The student can see the number of words read per minute (wpm) and can compare the number of words read to a rank that runs from Warming-up to Shooting Star.


The student spells five words from the word list. The student listens to a word and sentence about the word and attempts to spell the word. Then, the student clicks Show Me to see if her spelling of the word is correct or if any changes are needed to make the spelling correct. The student gets full credit if she can spell the word correctly on the first try.


While the student waits for the teacher to do the pass timing on the word list and spelling words, the student reviews skills in a game format. All items in the game are clickable to support students’ varying needs and support growth in phonemic awareness, phonics, and word analysis. Requiring that the student attain a certain number of points while waiting (e.g., 10) is a good idea.

Pass Timing

The teacher listens to the student read the word list. To pass, the student must read all the words down the columns, then across the rows, at or above the student's wcpm goal rate with three or fewer errors.

Graph of Pass Score

A graph of the hot-timing score shows the student’s score in red along with the rank the student attained.

Pass/Review Work

The teacher reviews the student’s work in this exercise with the student and assigns any remedial options.


If a student selects the story exercise, the student will see the following steps:

Read Along

The read along gives students a chance to read words with the featured phonics patterns in connected text. Ideally, students work through the story exercise after completing the word list exercises.

The student reads along quietly with a recording of a passage that contains words with the featured sounds taught in the section. The read along provides the teacher modeling component of the Read Naturally Strategy, which models correct pronunciation and helps the student learn new words and master others.


The student practices reading all or part of the story independently a set number of times chosen by the teacher. In Word Warm-ups Live, this reading isn’t timed, and there’s no fluency score. In Word Warm-ups, the purpose of the story is to have students read words with the featured phonics patterns in connected text.

Quick Quiz

The student completes a modified cloze question about the story. Each answer choice uses a featured sound from the section and provides another opportunity for the student to use the featured patterns in connected text. Responding to the text also holds the student accountable for meaning.


While the student waits for the teacher to do the pass timing on the Story and Quick Quiz, the student reviews phonics skills in a game format. All items in the game are clickable to support students’ varying needs and support growth in phonemic awareness, phonics, and word analysis.

Pass/Story Review

This activity provides an opportunity for the student to apply the featured phonics elements in the context of a story. You may have the student read all or part of the story; modify your expectations based on what you know about the student.

Pass/Review Quick Quiz

The teacher can review the student’s responses to the quiz and offer guidance in how to correct errors. This page has a dropdown to show either the student’s responses or the correct answers. The student has the opportunity to correct the answers if the teacher assigns this option on the Remedial page.

Word Warm-ups Live is a component of the Read Live platform—a subscription program that is licensed per student. Teachers can reassign licenses if students leave the program.

A printable phonics assessment helps a teacher decide whether students should use Read Naturally Live, a specific level of Word Warm-ups Live, or both programs for students needing decoding intervention. A student must be placed in a level of Read Naturally Live in order to work in Word Warm-ups.

A student works through the sections in the Word Warm-ups Live student program, and the teacher manages the student's progress in the Word Warm-ups Live teacher program.


Word Warm-ups Live includes access to 69 exercises in nine sections of Level 1, 68 exercises in eight sections of Level 2, and 48 exercises in seven sections of Level 3. Each section has six to nine exercises and focuses on intervention for different phonics elements or word analysis:

Level 1:One-syllable words Level 2: Two-syllable words Level 3: Multi-syllabic words
Letter sounds
Short vowels
Long vowels with silent e
Long vowel teams
Consonant digraphs
Consonant blends
Vowels and the consonant r
Soft and silent consonants
Other vowel teams
Review Level 1 skills in compound words
Review Level 1 skills in more compound words   
Base words not changed by suffixes
Base words changed by suffixes
Words with two syllables
Closed and open syllables
Two-syllable words with suffixes
Two-syllable words with prefixes

Word parts: prefixes
Other word parts
Word parts:suffixes
More prefixes
More suffixes
Open and closed syllables

pointer Word Warm-ups Live scope and sequence

Word Warm-ups Live Student Program
Key activities include:
  • Word lists of words with featured patterns
    After receiving direct instruction in the featured phonics elements, affix, or word analysis of each exercise, the student practices reading the word lists to develop decoding skills and automaticity in reading the words.
  • Spelling activity
    The student spells five words from the word list to link the decoding and encoding of featured phonics patterns, deepening the student’s mastery of both reading and spelling skills​.
  • Story exercise and Quick Quiz
    A high-interest, nonfiction story in each section provides the opportunity to read words with the featured pattern(s) in connected text. The student demonstrates an understanding of the story during a Quick Quiz.
Extensive audio support includes:
  • Audio directions for each step of the process.
  • Audio lessons in the introduction to the section and in a Look, Listen, Respond format.
  • A paced recording of the story that models correct pronunciation and expression.
  • Pronunciation of words in the word list or story when clicked.
  • Auditory signals that indicate if a student's responses to the spelling or quiz items are correct or incorrect.
Structured instructional process includes:
  • Automated steps built around teacher modeling, repeated reading, and progress monitoring.
  • A wait-time activity to improve phonemic awareness, phonics and decoding skills, as well as word analysis skills.
Computerized scoring and reports include:
  • Calculation of word list fluency scores.
  • Automated correction of modified cloze questions and spelling items.
  • Graphs and reports showing student performance.


Word Warm-ups Live Teacher Program​Set up of account for district, building, classroom, staff, and/or students include:
  • Enrolling staff and students.
  • Licensing students.
  • Support for ClassLink and Google login using G Suite for Education.
Management of student programs includes:
  • A printable placement test.
  • Easily customized options for individual students.
  • Word list or spelling reports.
  • Printable exercises, reports, and awards.
Online documentation includes:
  • Step-by-step instructions for working in the software
  • Training videos that explain how to set up the software and work with students in the program.


To help you implement Read Live successfully, Read Naturally provides free web resources and tech support.
pointer Learn more about Read Naturally's online resources and tech support

Word Warm-ups Live is an integrated component of the Read Live platform.

Word Warm-ups Live is an integrated part of the Read Live platform. All Read Live licenses enable full access to the Word Warm-ups Live curriculum as well as access to the Read Naturally Live curriculum, One Minute Reader Live curriculum, and Read Naturally Live-Español curriculum.

Customer Reviews

May 22, 2024


Using Read Live, I have seen great growth in my students' oral reading fluency. My students enjoy the Read Live content. They loved seeing their growth when we did our DIBELS assessments, and they attributed it to Read Live. I would recommend Read Live to others as it has demonstrated to be an effective tool.


May 22, 2024


Read Live has really helped assist students who are just learning the sound out words, along with putting them together to form sentences, etc. My favorite feature of Read Live is the variety of stories that are given…super interesting!!


May 1, 2024

Michelle Calvin did an excellent job explaining the four components of Read Live. She has been so helpful. I have used Read Naturally for many years and the online version for several years. The students show excellent progress and enjoy the stories. Hoping to get more of our school involved with this great intervention program.


Apr 22, 2024


I have been using Read Naturally since 2012 and I have seen amazing results! I love how it hits all areas of reading. The stories are exciting and the students as well as the teachers learn new things everyday. In all the years that I have been using Read Naturally I have never had a student that didn't like the program.


Mar 24, 2024

Read Live was a game changer for our special needs students. Their confidence grew tremendously with the fluency practice, comprehension strategies and writing activities!

Mar 23, 2024


It’s such a powerful program to build confidence and give kids the opportunity to feel the joy of independent reading!


Mar 21, 2024

I am currently trialing the Read Naturally Live program and I love it! As an Interventionist, the program easily tracks each child’s progress and provides comprehensive data after each lesson. It has been making my job much easier!

Mar 21, 2024


Read Live has been an amazing tool for my 2nd grader. In the span of a month he increased his ORF from 80wpm to 155wpm while learning about many engaging topics. I just ordered gate plus as a tier 2 intervention and looking forward to using it with my first graders!


Mar 19, 2024


Such a fun and interactive program!


Mar 12, 2024


My students have enjoyed the Read Live program. They are engaged and making nice progress!


Mar 8, 2024

Read Live has been an amazing tool to enrich the decoding, fluency, spelling, and reading comprehension skills of our Special Ed students. It is a complete reading program. It provides all the tools to place the students in the appropriate reading level and it guides you to monitor their progress. It has very interesting stories that students really enjoy. This is our first year using the program and we love it! Thanks for creating such a wonderful reading resource.

Mar 8, 2024


I have been using Read Live for over 10 years. I have used it for both elementary and middle school. The kids love it! It is great for fluency as well as comprehension. I see such growth. The articles are high-interest - the kids talk and compare what they have read. They love the student choice as well. The fact that it is leveled helps so much for the various strengths of our kids. We are getting more and more ELLs to our district, the new to English speakers love this as well! Thank you!


Mar 6, 2024

Read Live has been a game changer for our support staff at our school. Ensuring that paraprofessionals use evidence-based, user-friendly programs is a priority at our school. Read Live has been very beneficial for them to implement in order to support students with reading. Our support staff who are using the program love it because it meets students' diverse needs, and the students love it because the stories are engaging and students can actively be a part of growing and learning their reading skills. We love Read Live!

Mar 6, 2024

This is the first year our district has used Read Live and it has been a game changer for our intervention program. I love how many interesting and engaging stories there are to choose from, along with the progress monitoring data to show individual growth. Such a great resource and hope to continue to use it for years to come.

Mar 6, 2024


This is our first year using Read Live and it is amazing how much growth I have seen in all of my students. The program is very helpful for new readers and adds a challenge to students who are already reading fluently. It is very user friendly and student-centered! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!


Mar 5, 2024


Read Naturally Live is the best tool for struggling readers. The students find it very easy to navigate. The stories captivate their attention and help them, not only improve reading skills, but also learn in a fun way. I love how the program grows with them and challenges them along the way. I have witnessed countless students become better readers thanks to this amazing tool! I cannot recommend it enough!!!


Mar 4, 2024


Our district has been using Read Live for quite awhile. We first started with the paper copies and have been very please with the transition to the online version. I can confidently say that it is an outstanding tool for building reading fluency with students. The program is user friendly for both students and teachers. The students are able to work independently on enhancing their reading skills and then confirm their progress by directly working with their teacher. This aids in classroom management as well. The teacher can pull small groups while confidently knowing that their students on Read Live are actively engaged working on their IEP goals. The teacher can then switch which students are in their small group. Read Live makes data tracking easy for teachers. This data can be used to inform instruction and ensure that students are making progress. The reports have been a great tool to help students and teachers know how they are performing. Overall, we highly recommend Read Live!


Mar 2, 2024


My 2nd-5th grade Reading Intervention students love using Read Live. They look forward to reading the interesting non fiction stories every week. I have seen great fluency and comprehension progress.


Mar 1, 2024


Read Naturally is a great way to focus on building vocabulary, increasing fluency, and strengthening comprehension and writing skills.


Mar 1, 2024


I teach 7th and 8th grade students who are reluctant readers and have difficulty with grade-level materials. They are using ReadLive passages at their level as a supplement to a structured literacy program, and are making great progress. The stories are high interest non-fiction, so not only are they expanding their knowledge base and becoming smarter, but they are also enjoying themselves. Their fluency has improved so much with the focus on reading in phrases and repeated practice. I almost cried when one of the 'cool' kids told another student, "just do it, it works!" The visuaI graph for cold/hot reading scores gives them immediate feedback as well, always a plus and great to use for data collection to report to parents and teachers. I am so proud of my students and love the program!


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