Placing Students in One Minute Reader Live


  • One Minute Reader Live allows students to work independently.
  • Placement in One Minute Reader Live isn’t required. It suggests content to a student but does not restrict the stories in which a student can work.
  • During placement a student will select a level and read a passage from that level to see if it is a good fit.

Placement in One Minute Reader Live:

  1. Log into Read Live as a student.
  2. Select One Minute Reader from the landing page.
  3. On the Select a Book screen, click the Placement button in the top-right corner. If a student has never logged into One Minute Reader Live before, a modal displays and asks them if they would like to take a placement test.

Additional Resources


Please let us know what questions you have so we can assist. For Technical Support, please call us or submit a software support request.

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