Read Live User Guide

Working with Licenses and Access to Applications

Students must have licenses to work in Read Live applications. Read Live Licenses are purchased from Read Naturally, Inc. for use by the students in an account. Each Read Live license can be used by one student at a time. 

Students can be assigned any available license at their school. By default, students at a school can be assigned any available licenses in the account. If there is more than one school in an account, Read Naturally recommends that a specific number of licenses be reserved for each school. 

Each Read Live license allows a student to access Read Live. Students can be assigned access to Read Naturally Live, Word Warm-ups Live, One Minute Reader Live, and Read Naturally Live-Español as needed.

Each student with a license also can be assigned a lead teacher. Lead teachers are optional. A student's lead teacher should be the staff member who makes educational decisions for that student. A lead teacher's responsibilities in Read Naturally Live include initially placing a student, changing a student's series, level, goal, and story options, and reporting on the student.


See Also


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