Read Live User Guide

Licenses and Lead Teachers

A lead teacher can be assigned whenever a student is given a Read Live license. Lead teachers are optional. A student's lead teacher is the staff member who makes educational decisions in Read Live for that student. Lead teachers are responsible for initially placing their students, adjusting their students' assignments, customizing their story or exercise options, and viewing their reports to monitor progress.

If a student does not have a lead teacher, any Account Administrator, School Coordinator, or Teacher can make changes for that student.

In the Staff Member Module, staff members in the Teacher role can make changes to students for whom they are the lead teacher. For example, a Teacher can remove the license of a student for whom they are the lead teacher. They cannot remove the license of a student who has a different lead teacher unless they are on the Team of that lead teacher. Staff members in the Account Administrator or School Coordinator roles can make changes for students with any lead teacher. If a student does not have a lead teacher, any Account Administrator, School Coordinator, or Teacher can make these changes for the student.

In the Student Module, any staff member is able to assist any student a the student works in a story or exercise. For example, a Teacher can supervise a student passing a story, whether or not they are that student's lead teacher. Some changes for students who have a lead teacher, including manual changes to a student's assignment in Read Naturally Live, cannot be made by staff members who are not the student's lead teacher. If a student does not have a lead teacher, any Account Administrator, School Coordinator, or Teacher can make these changes.

See Also


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