Completing the Story Pass step in Word Warm-ups Live

After completing the Quick Quiz step, students wait for the teacher to help them perform a Pass attempt for a Story exercise. While they wait, they can play Phontastic, an engaging word game based on phonics patterns. 

To enter the Pass step for a Story exercise:

  1. As a teacher, click the yellow Conduct Pass Activities button in the page header.
  2. Type your User ID and Password in the Teacher Login dialog.
    The Pass/Word List step opens.

To complete the Pass step for a Story exercise:

  1. On the Pass/Review Story page, listen to the student read all or part of the story aloud.
  2. Based on your expectations for the student, choose Exceeded expectations, Met expectations, or Did not meet expectations based on the student's reading.
    Because the Story exercise may be too difficult for some students and too easy for others, the teacher's knowledge of the student is the basis for assessing the student's performance. 
  3. Click Next.
  4. On the Pass/Review Quick Quiz page, review the student's responses to the Quick Quiz. 
    The page allows you to easily compare the student's answers to the correct ones. You can also click a response to open a list of all the possible answers a student chose between.
  5. Click Next.
    If the student's answers for the Quick Quiz were all correct and you chose Met expectations or Exceeded expectations on the Review Story page, the student will be taken to the Congratulations page.
    If the student made one or more mistakes on the Quick Quiz or you chose Did not meet expectations on the Review Story page, the Remedial Actions page opens.

See Also


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