Read Live User Guide

Searching by Personal Group

Personal groups are a quick, efficient way to access groups of students. Only you can see your personal groups.

To search by a personal group:

  1. On a page with a list of students, click the Search by Group menu on the upper right.
  2. Choose one of your personal groups from the list in the menu. The list of students on the page updates to show only students from your personal group.


  • Any other filters applied to a page are applied alongside a search by group. For example, if you have searched by a personal group, you could then also filter the list by Grade to see only 3rd graders in the group. 
  • When you apply a group, only students in the group who would normally be displayed on a page will be listed.  For example, the Read Naturally Live page lists only licensed students. When you apply a group on that page, only the licensed students in the group are listed.
  • Personal groups are selected from the Choose students to view search feature on the Student Activity page.

See Also


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