Read Live User Guide

Assigning Access to Word Warm-ups Live

Students must have Read Live licenses to work in any Read Live component, including Word Warm-ups Live. 
To work in Word Warm-ups Live, students also need to be assigned access to the application. 

Staff Members can give Word Warm-ups Live access to individual licensed students, one at a time, on the Student Details page. Staff Members can also assign Word Warm-ups Live to more than one student at a time on the Application Access page.

To assign Word Warm-ups Live access to individual students:

  1. Log in to the Staff Member Module.
  2. If you are a Teacher, from the navigation menu, select Student Setup.
    If you are an Account Administrator or School Coordinator, from the navigation menu, select Student Administration, and then click Student Setup.
  3. Sort and filter the list of students to find the one to whom you want to assign Word Warm-ups Live access.
  4. Click the student's last name.
  5. On the Student Details page, below the License heading, verify that the student has a license. 
    Students must have a Read Live license in order to use Word Warm-ups Live.
  6. Select the Word Warm-ups access checkbox. 
  7. Click Save & Close.

To assign Word Warm-ups Live access to a group of students:

  1. Log in to the Staff Member Module.
  2. As any staff member, from the navigation menu, choose Student Setup. Then select the Application Access button at the top of the page.
    As an Account Administrator or School Coordinator, you can also select Student Administration from the navigation menu and then click Application Access.
  3. If necessary, select a school from the View students at... menu.
  4. Sort and filter the list of students to find those to whom you want to assign Word Warm-ups Live access. For example, you could filter the list by grade to see only students in a certain homeroom.
    Note that the WWL column on the page shows which students already have access to the application.
  5. Select the checkbox to the left of each student who will use Word Warm-ups Live.
  6. Select the Manage Access to Read Live button at the top of the page.
  7. In the side menu, open the Word Warm-ups Live category and select the Add WWL for Selected button.
    A dialog describes the default Word Warm-ups Live assignment and next steps you may take with each student.
  8. Click the Yes button to confirm adding Word Warm-ups Live access for all of the selected students.


  • The default assignment in Word Warm-ups Live is Level 1, Section B, Short Vowels. However, on the Word Warm-ups Live Students page, you can assess each student using the printable phonics assessment and edit that default assignment.

​See Also


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