Read Live User Guide

Entering the Series, Level, and Goal

To enter or change a student's series, level, and goal:

  1. Log in to the Staff Member Module.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Student Activity.
  3. In the list, find the student whose series, level, or goal assignment you need to enter or update.
  4. From the student's row on the page, expand the Applications level.
  5. To the right of the Assignment column for the student, click the Edit symbol.
  6. On the Change Series, Level or Goal page, enter or change the information for the student. 
  7. Click Save & Close.


  • IMPORTANT  If your student is new to Read Naturally Live, use the built-in placement test to determine the appropriate series, level and story goal.  Do not manually set the series, level, and story goal as described above without first going through the placement process, unless the student previously worked in a different Read Naturally strategy program, such as the paper-based Read Naturally Encore.  If the student previously worked in a different Read Naturally strategy program, you can just transfer the student's series, level, and story goal using the steps above, without going through the placement process.
  • A student's series, level, story goal, and word list goal can be entered or updated only by the student's lead teacher, or by a staff member in an Account Administrator or School Coordinator role.

See Also


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