The Pass step includes these tasks:
- Students practice reading the story and answer Wordtastic questions while waiting for the teacher to conduct the hot timing.
If a student's browser supports recording features in Read Live, the student can also record hot timings for a teacher to use later.
Waiting for the Teacher
Student Recordings While Waiting for a Teacher
- The teacher conducts the hot timing with the student. The teacher needs to stay with the student during the Pass step until the student has moved past the “teacher required” screens.
- If a student has recorded hot timing readings, a teacher can also conduct the hot timings later using the recording.
Conducting a Hot Timing
- The teacher corrects the student's quiz.
Correcting the Quiz
- The teacher evaluates the student's work on the Retell step. Or, if the student is using the Phonics series, the teacher conducts a word-list pass timing.
Correcting the Retelling
Conducting the Phonics Word-List Pass Timing
- The teacher reviews the student's work and then, if necessary, selects remedial actions.
Reviewing Student Work
Options for Students Who Do Not Pass