Read Live User Guide

Printing Progress Letters

Send progress letters home periodically as the student continues working in the program.

Staff members in the Teacher role can print progress letters for students for whom they are the lead teacher. Account Administrators and School Coordinators can print progress letters for any students, regardless of the students' lead teachers.

To print a progress letter:

  1. Log in to the Staff Member Module.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Student Activity.
  3. Select each student for whom you would like to print a progress letter by checking the box next to the student's name.
  4. Click the Application-Specific Actions button at the top of the page.
  5. Under the relevant application, click the Print Progress Letter for Selected button.
  6. On the Print Progress Letter page, select the beginning and ending dates for the reporting period to include in the letter. The progress letters will cover all work by students during this period.
  7. Click Print.
  8. To print the resulting letters, click the Print button. 

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